Sandy 15th August 2012

Hi Bill, Been busy working and taking care of things. I enjoy work but it does get physically tiring. I'm hanging in there til at least Christmas. Went to Orlando to see Jesse last week and we spent 2 days going to Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom and Universal Studios. We had a lot of fun and, guess what, I lost my purse, no surprise huh...but luckily we retraced our steps and it was found by a park attendant and I got it back within an hour. Lucky me. Jesse drove back with me to stay for 2 days and go to the beach. She really enjoyed it because she needed some time away from the home where her Dad is very ill. He had his leg amputated and the other leg is getting infected also. You remember how bad your legs got at one time but at least they were able to be taken care of. Then, me, Jesse and Babs went to Bonefish Grill Restaurant and it was delicious. Came to $103.. We had gift cards totalling $95.00. Larry is still busy with his kitchen remodel and it is going smoothly so far. Carmen took a trip to Spain. Larry couldn't go because his money is for his kitchen redo. Bill is doing OK. I just received his tags renewal due on his birthday. Larry's birthday is soon also and he is looking forward to football season. We all miss you very much. The dogs are my constant companions but it would be better if you were here too. Love ya. Goodnight.