Hi Dad, It's almost Thanksgiving and I will be cooking turkey and all the dishes we like that go with it. Larry & Brenda are coming down and will arrive either Wed eve or Thurs morn. It will be good to see them. They will stay til Dec 2, my birthday. Larry will be over and Babs and the dogs will be down. I took Lacy up to play with her sister Piper yesterday. They are so cute. You would love them. They will be 6 months old next week. The weather has been nice. I am painting the inside of the fence around the courtyard. Billy washed down the front of the fence when he was here. He was so much help to me. I hated to see him go. Jesse had to have her broken arm reset because the plate inside broke. So she hopes it will be OK this time. I'm going to have my eyes examined by the doctor who checked your eyes for cataracts. Remember how nice he was and the staff. I'm not seeing as well driving at night. Darcy, Dex, and Schatzie are fine. I just love having them with me. Schatz is getting up there, she is 11 now. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and I have pictures of you on my desk and on the walls. Boy I sure do miss you. Remember that I love you very much. We're going to bed now, the guys are ready. Kisses and hugs. Love, Sandy